Contact Us

Shoot me an email or pop by my office.

Office 746, Hilmer Building E10
School of Chemistry, UNSW
Sydney, Australia 2052

Undergraduate projects ~ Term projects are available for undergraduates throughout the year. Check out CHEM2999 and CHEM3998 if you’re a student at UNSW.

Honours ~ Enquiries about honours projects are always welcome! Just shoot me an email to discuss options - we have a range of projects going to suit wide interests. You don’t even need a major in chemistry to apply.

Masters and PhD programs ~ Students from Australia/NZ or overseas should drop me a line ASAP if you want to apply for postgrad courses. We’ll develop your project together - mixing your interests with ours - to find something we’re both excited about. Email me with your CV and previous research experience and we’ll sort it out. Happy to co-supervise if you’re interested in other groups too.

Industry partners ~ If you like what you see please don’t hesitate to email me or reach out on social media - there are a range of funding options we can apply to jointly.

Info about scholarships and stipends

Research Training Program (RTP)

Previously called Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA) (Australian MSc and PhD students)

International Research Training Program (RTP)

Previously called International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) – key dates can be found here.

Endeavour Scholarships

PhD stipends for international students

China Scholarships Council

PhD stipends for Chinese students, short stays

Indonesia Joint Scholarship Program 

PhD stipends for Indonesian students

Australia Awards

International students from developing countries

UNSW Scholarships and top-ups

Local schemes for small contributions for post-graduate students

CSIRO Postgraduate Scholarships

Australian PhD students

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Research Grants

PhD stipends, short stays for PhD students

Swiss National Science Foundation

Short stays for Swiss PhD students, Post-doc Fellowships

Marie Curie out-going Fellowships

EU citizens only, short stays, post-doc fellowships